Sunday 7 February 2010

OUGD102: Box/Packaging

The final box.
I wasn't to happy with the final, but I know for next time. The box was really tricky to put together because of the strength of the card and the folds. The title in the middle was to relate to the Apple products so people would know what the product relates to ie. iArtwork. Above the i the dot is changed into a heart like I Love Artwork influenced from I Love N.Y.
The inside packing again relates to the itunes playlist layout with instruction. I just wish i would of printed to Vinyl on the CD rather than sticking them on looks very tatty if i get chance i will try to change them.
Outside cover, the circle relates to the circle you get with record sleeves so you can read the label on the vinyl. But the material was to hard to cut both sides into a circle. A good example of the card and folds trouble I incurred.

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