Sunday, 9 May 2010

104: Format of delivery

Mock up of how the book would work. 
The problem with this is the acetate doesn't fit over the map because of the gap in middle of the book to hold it together.

It was meant to be pulled out with information on of different events ect and you pull the acetate over the map for information. 

Need to keep the design simple and well made. 

Also make sure the content is clearly delivered. 

Letterpress Layout

The layout of the letterpress boxes with type in. The reason it isn't in alphabetical order is that it was designed for the middle section to be parts more used than the parts in the left and right hand side.

Visual Language Type & Grid.

Trying to work out the grid system used for the newspaper using other pages from the paper to compare them together. Red line is the grid mainly used through the paper.

Visual Language Type & Grid

A few notes on the history and general information of Type.
A few notes on the history and general information of Type. Also how to measure points of type.
Examples of measuring the type points

Examples of measuring the type points

104: Magazine scale and format

Stylefile Magazine- Really like the landscape layout, maybe because they are not as common as portrait.
Inside the layout and grid system. Not really a big fan of how the contents was layed out but thought I would make a note of it.
Layout Continued...

104: Colour Scheme

After clearing out the collection of flyers and leaflets I have I found this Gatecrasher flyer and liked the colours used.
I think that if I changed the black to a very dark blue and scraped the light blue it would be a nice colour scheme. I like the lines in the image but after I realized that the Lion had a UK flag through it I wasn't so keen on it.
Thought I may as well use the back of the flyer for layout and type inspiration.

After evaluating and finding the colours I don't know if I will use it as I'm not sure if it is relevant to my project...

104: New York Travel Guide

A city guide I had in my room of New York so I thought I would Look at it for inspiration but baring in mind it was published in the 90's...

Front page the train map for the city.
Map on the left with the bars and addresses on the right hand side

Places to visit labeled in alphabetical order. Ideal if you know where you are looking for but the places I am advertising will be places to visit rather than the pubs/bars so places they won't really know about especially if their new to the city

Double Page Spread of the city. Breaks up the layout of the guide.

A scan that went wrong but it looked alright so I thought I would include it.

104: Art in Leeds

One idea of things to do in Leeds rather than study or drink. Looking at the art side in leeds/bike rides/or a booklet with different Leeds artists in.
An idea of people forgetting to do their blogs ect. Look at temporary tattoos to stick to their hands ect. Then i thought of a humour side of using the tattoos for peoples forehead or in beard shapes ect and put together a photo album of them covering the tattoo up for example if someone was thinking and had their hand on their chin and the next image is the hand moved away and you can see the beard tattoo with text on to remind them to do their visual language work tonight. I'm not sure if this would of lasted five weeks however.
A few quick ideas- after the Fred talk based on do you make it serious of humour I produced a few more ideas based on the different tones.

A list of what I would want to collect on activities on the art side of Leeds. 

GFSmith paper stock

After the Visual Language session where we had to bring in different stocks, I found this book in a library in Nottingham and made a small donation for it. 

GFSmith cover
Examples of a page in the book with samples of different stocks
Examples of a page in the book with samples of different stocks

What is a line?

For this brief I had many ideas based on the formation of people, objects or things. But I thought it would make my life easier if I choose one subject to base the project on and keep on exploring different styles and resolutions with. I choose to base the project on the formation of Burgers. To look at different restaurants and different types of burgers to compare with each other.

Virus Partnership Brief Catergories

Twenty activities at the cost of £100
Twenty activities at the cost of £30
Thirty activities to participate in for free.

Virus Partnership Brief

Trying to think of ideas how the content would be delivered. Thinking about using mobile texts when someone has a limited time or cost and we send a message back matching their criteria.
Thinking about how the idea will work and justify why it would work.
A few ideas how it could be resolved.
What pages we will need and what order for the interactive dvd to work.
Selecting categories and the right amount for each subject

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Brief: Speaking from experience

Events in Leeds other than studying and drinking
First year graphics
a) Events, exhibitions, shops places in Leeds (Based on design)
b) Bike Rides around Leeds
c) General artists work in Leeds
I feel that after the first year there is a lot of advertising in nightclubs and drinking offers in Leeds, but if you want to look for something to do rather than drink the information is hard to find.
Some form of resolution offering a b or c things to look at research into places events ect.

*However I feel that this could do with being solved but it is to similar to the project on try something new brief. I would like to do a brief more humurous rather than serious.

Worrying about missing something important or handing work in at the correct time.
First year graphics
How to make an excuse. (Maybe tell them something that will get them in trouble-just for a laugh) Fred said ect...
If they use these excuses they would understand what they said later on in the course.
A series of flick books- been experimenting with them in Visual Language. Bible style? Satans bible of excuses. 
Look at obvious excuses that would get them into trouble
Location and content will be important and delivery
Box set bible style 
Materials ect

Do's and Don't's

Thursday, 15 April 2010

What is a line? Influenced by Oscar Wilson

Burger King



I have wanted to try and use hand drawn type to represent the shape of an object/ image for a while and as this project doesn't need to be finalised I felt this would give me the opportunity to experiment with the idea. I really like the final outcomes however for next time I would consider colour and type more and also draw alot bigger so it doesn't pixallate as much. The influence was from Oscar Wilson. I have some of his stuff on my DC blog for a while and I have also printed off a few images to put with my Sketchbook.

Friday, 12 February 2010

OUGD102: End of Module Self-Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have done the book making induction, which from that I tried to produce the final box and cd cases using the same technique. However It ended up a bit of a mess because I didn’t think about the thickness of the card so next time I will take more time to design and produce a final using these techniques. I have learnt to look for new research and information that I never knew before and these drove my project to then end. Also I learnt that you can look for other ways to communicate your idea rather than photoshop illustrator flash or hand made as I ended up using playlists on itunes.








2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

From the first research on reggae I grouped everything to find out what each object ect had in common and compared the groups. From the chosen group which was artwork I then research more into the reggae vinyl’s I had collected then moved onto album artwork being designed by famous designers or interesting information on the album cover and thought this process one thing lead to another into the development which lead to the final.








3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I thought and enjoyed the research side of the project. I think that it worked well as from my research development it lead into design to final and made it a lot easier than projects ive used research before without developing it. I also learnt that the communication doesn’t have to be photoshop… or hand made look for other possibilities. I thought the iTunes worked really well conceptually and was then adaptable to iPhone as well.








4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

I need to take more time on thinking how to produce the final outcome, as in hand made. This became a mess first time I should of made a quick mock up to see it work first and design and think about the technical areas of the design.








5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. Produce more ideas as I only had two that I actually went into detail, this will allow me to understand what I want to produce.
  2. Take more time making hand made items, as I need to work out the technical side of the outcomes.
  3. Go for one idea/ style as I went for two different ideas into one and it turned into a nightmare. I was still in two minds what to produce as it took me a long time to collect my 100 artwork covers.
  4. Try to use folders and notepads that are from the same company as in my folder today it looked all odd. Random sized folders and each part was presented differently. This will add identity to the project as today there were two projects in one folder.
  5. Some times I over complicate things when sometimes a simple design will look more effective. I could have more of a balance.



6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:

(please indicate using an ‘x’) 


5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor































Quantity of work produced






Quality of work produced






Contribution to the group






The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

OUGD102: Self Evaluation

What methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?

Opinions, Facts and objects. Then books and internet and word of mouth.

What methods of research did you find useful and why?

I found the 100 opinions and facts interesting because I learnt a lot from them and enjoyed talking to people to try to understand other peoples views of Reggae music/ culture.

How did these inform your response to your problem?

Eventually from the crit the group liked the idea of album artwork rather than the reggae music/ culture and i also used the idea of the older audience saying they used to buy the record because of the artwork.

What methods did you encounter as problematic?

Finding 100 album artwork where I could get enough information on it and 100 that i found interesting. Also creating the packaging and CD turned out to be a bit of a mess.

How did you overcome this?

Learnt for next time to try to keep the packaging as simple as possible. Eventually collected 100 but needed to put a few in that were less interesting to get to 100. (around 15ish)

What research could you have carried put that would have proved more useful?

 Reserch the product design more I thought I could apply the book making to the box/ CD cover but should spend more time producing it as well.

List five things that you have learnt about the design process over the last Five weeks.

1. I don't have to use flash, photoshop, or hand make for final ie-iTunes.

2. Take more time on producing hand made box

3. Spend more time on finals

4. Collecting and processing research- how the research influenced where my project lead to.

5. Learnt loads about album artwork and designers- Got a good research resource for future use

List five things you would do different next time.

1. Take more time on finals

2. Research packaging design

3. Logo designs- iArtwork relates well but looks abit of a rip off.

4. Be more experimental with ideas/ processes because I spent that much time researching

5. Idea generation maybe because from my research i kind of went along where it was leading to and didn't really have a back up idea.

OUGD102: iTunes example

Example of the the iTunes playlist working for final product.

This is an example of Biggie Smalls album.
When on the cover a track from the album you are viewing plays whilest you can press the right arrow to view the information the cover art.

Right arrow to the information. The music from the previous track still plays because you have selected to play the information track which is just a beep because there needs to be a sound to be a track so I could add the cover of information on.

I was really happy with this outcome and it works better than what I thought it would. This is a strong part of my project. I also made different playlists that apply to the iPhone and iTouch. It took a while to put together and to understand how it would work but at the end seeing it working it was rewarding. Shame the packaging didn't live up to this part of the final product.

OUGD102: Box/Packaging

The final box.
I wasn't to happy with the final, but I know for next time. The box was really tricky to put together because of the strength of the card and the folds. The title in the middle was to relate to the Apple products so people would know what the product relates to ie. iArtwork. Above the i the dot is changed into a heart like I Love Artwork influenced from I Love N.Y.
The inside packing again relates to the itunes playlist layout with instruction. I just wish i would of printed to Vinyl on the CD rather than sticking them on looks very tatty if i get chance i will try to change them.
Outside cover, the circle relates to the circle you get with record sleeves so you can read the label on the vinyl. But the material was to hard to cut both sides into a circle. A good example of the card and folds trouble I incurred.

OUGD102: Review Week 3

After moving on from Reggae to the record information about the Reggae vinyls I had gathered at the start i moved onto album artwork. The 100 album covers took me a week and a half/ two weeks. I knew this would take me the most time of the project because I wanted each cover to offer something that I found interesting, learnt and different.

On Friday I had a crit with Fred. I wasn't looking forward to this because I had only just finished the day before collecting my 100 album covers. On Thursday I tried to prepare using the A2 presentation board to show where I was up to. I basically put on a few examples of the 100 I collected, the artwork picture, artist, album, genre, year of release, label, designer and information on artwork. This filled up two thirds of the board and the other third I wanted to put some ideas of where I wanted to take the information I had found.

I knew i didn't want to make a book because at the minute I am really poor and couldn't afford to print the work off, so I wanted to tidy up my Flash skills seeing as i haven't used it for over a year and wasn't to clever at the start. On the board I included the Itunes players and windows media player. So at the presentation I explained what I had been doing and where I wanted to take the project, and on the A2 board I had artist, album, year ect I had collected and the itunes player, and Fred said why don't you make it as a playlist for the iPhone. I was kind of gutted because it was a winning idea but i hadn't had chance to really think to much about what I was going to produce. However I would of never of thought of this anyway. Usually I would think of producing a final either with photoshop, flash, illustrator or hand made, it opened up my creative mind as I can look for other alternatives rather than the ones I just listed. 

Another reason I didn't want to make a book was because as I thought I might of produced something on CD format I could take what I learnt from the book making induction and try to evolve it into making a CD case because I felt I would learn more from this.

OUGD102: Idea

One of the ideas was to make a stop animation using 100 photographs, which a vinyl to each letter of Vinyl is dead.

This was three photographs of the letter V.

This was just a quick experiment with only three pictures however the vinyl is hard to crack and little bits fly everywhere and I lost a few. I was going to make the level of colour pretty dark, with photos taken from different angles and over the top I was going to download some audio of people debating is vinyl dead, with crack sounds . The debate were going to be fast energetic so it felt alot was happening at the same time. But in the end the vinyl was to hard to smash and i moved on to a different idea.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Evaluation of week ending 24/1/10

Sum up week just gone:
I felt that there were productive stages within the week including filming the green screen for video elective however my luck changed as it took me one day just to put it on a computer, and a whole day trying to edit it. The video was just one problem after another, eg we didn't set the white balance so the green screen is to dark and picks out details on the bands clothing which makes it look pixelated. Also after that it took a while to convert the mpeg4 music to mp3, so it was just as soon as i felt i had just jumped over one hurdle there was another one straight after. I managed to make the vinyl market on Thursdays market near the bus station and bought 11 vinyls ready for destruction... "VINYL IS DEAD?" However from the problems i occurred i can know learn from them so i know next time around. The main concern i have was my collection of 100 artwork albums didn't build up still on 38. But now videos out the way i can concentrate on the 100 again.

Targets for weekend:
1. 100 album artwork albums I like
2. Photoshop postcards
3. Contextual Essay (Richard Tuesday 9-50)

If all done i should be ready to put work together for 100 project and to produce the final in two weeks will be enough. The longest time spent will be collecting my information and making sure it is relevant.

Problem Analysis - Rationale

Produce a set of 100 album artwork covers with information about the designers or method/ process being produced. If possible do a flash video to show 100 because for the cost it would be cheaper to mass produce than a printed book.

Who needs to know?
Research book that people look at for a designer, inspiration or people with an interest within album artwork.

What do they need to know?
Who designed the artwork and concept behind it.

Why do they need to know?
Educating and be a good source for designers researching into album artwork/ designers/ concepts. Also from opinions research i found out that the older generation said the artwork was just as important than the music artist.

What will they respond to?
Flash film with 100 best of the best album artwork on with image and information. Also could do with a bit more understanding of flash to keep me on my toes. The CD will act in a vinyl cover.

What research is required?
Research 100 interesting album artwork covers/ designers/ images but only that relate to designers for inspiration. Got to be interesting and something that people can learn from to help create ideas. Research colour schemes and layouts for flash???

Rationale - A statement of reasons:
Many people argue is Vinyl dead? Like artists work becomes more valuable when they die, does this apply to to vinyl? From the 100 opinions i spoke to people in there 40/50s and a few said sometimes they would be a vinyl because of the designer of the artwork rather than for the music. I have researched into artwork/ designers and have found out loads of new interesting information about the artwork. I have looked into over 100 album covers but only selected 38 so far as i feel each selection should have something unique about it i feel that the final 100 will offer a strong research resource of album artwork without looking into several books to find similar information, but my research will offer the information for the pacific eyes of a designer for inspiration. 

Collection 100... Rational

Product & Packaging
Based on records i feel that the packaging will be useful and can make the product relate to the project more and be interactive.

Who is the audience and how do you intend to engage with them?
I want to share the interesting information i have found out . It is based on album artwork, concepts, designers and artists. So i feel it would be targeted at promotional advertising, fine art or people who have interests, or need resources in album artwork design.

What is the function of the product - it is supposed to inform/ educate/ document/ entertain/ instruct? What has informed this decision?
I want to inform people about the artwork used on album covers, because from talking to people for my 100 opinions i learnt that the artwork used to sell the album more than the music artist. Also there are loads of interesting information and methods/ processes i want to share as a research resource. 

How will the audience interact with the product?
Read about album artwork researched , maybe on a cd as it can relate to the product of a vinyl connection using the product a vinyl sleeve with cd in. Also the new age format that i researched and cheaper than printing, so considering costs of production.